
Showing posts from January, 2023

The Truth... Hurts.

Art by: @GroovyChi  January 5, 2023 As I sit here trying to figure out how to break this in, the repetition of the saying "sailing my soul" keeps coming to mind. What does this truly mean to me? I haven't explored this topic in depth but I feel the saying. So for me it's all about the journey the ups, downs, forward, and backward motions. The good, the bad, and everything in between. Usually I have been so adamant on trying to control the journey to not mess up but it is truly in the mess where you find the thing that takes you out of it. For me I rather not be in control, I rather not stress about tomorrow or my life in general because like I said in my poem the story is already written. If you take the ego out of it God wins. Which means I win. There is a quote from a video I seen that said, "crashing simply means you did indeed managed to soar". We so often have a tendency to recognize and validate our failures, our moments of crashing or hitting rock bot

All is Vanity

Coming to terms with the fact nothing seems real anymore Consciousness is just observing, I’m not really in control like I thought before Be like water and let things flow is something I’m learning to endure After all I’m just sailing right to Deaths door Why be in control when the story is already written? Paeshyns never existed, I’m just experiencing a possibility of a life sentence Trapped in a dream, I’ll wake up when it’s finished