
Showing posts from 2024

To Be, Say, Do or To Not.

  Situations, people, and things come into your life to show you who you are by way of your response. You cannot control what comes into your life, the only thing you can control is your response to said thing. We tend to run away from the negative experiences and embrace the positive ones when both are coming to show you an aspect of yourself. Being present in both situations is ideal but it's easier said than done. Taking a moment to be present can bring clarity. I often ask myself why something is bothering me? What is this bringing up in me? I have to make sense of what's going on with me because ignoring it doesn't end well. The constant battle of being avoidant and anxious is crazy because your mind can lead you down the craziest scenarios and pathways that didn't even happen.  In my poem I talk about the battle of Self and the solution to it. You avoid yourself even though you’re constantly reminded of yourself. You cannot escape you. In the case of avoiding ones

Push And Pull

The box closes me in more when I put on a mask of "I don't care" I convince Self that's it's better in here and scary out there Ignoring my Soul then claiming I'm unaware  Even though I'm constantly reminded of the dangers of going into despair Being bare is the only thing the Truth responds to The breakthrough comes when you're not afraid to express what's inside you