
Showing posts from November, 2022

Energy Exchanges

  I am in energy exchanges everyday. When I focus on something, have a conversation, or when I'm just thinking. Everything is energy from you to the chair you sit on, it holds energy. Speaking on conversations, when you are speaking you are projecting your thoughts and energy onto others. Everybody has their own energy field! I have to be mindful who has access to this. I had to notice when I got around certain people I would feel DRAINED and WEAK, I lacked spiritual awareness. Unknowing to me at the time I am willingly giving my energy away by remaining in a space that is uncomfortable. I would let people post up all on my energy field and I would just pass it off like it was nothing. Naive. Another example is when you enter a room and you feel uneasy or the vibe is off your INNER G(od) is telling you something and most likely you need to get up through! Listen to your intuition or your gut feeling it will never steer you wrong. Someone that I know named Myka aka @soulaaangelll sa

They Can't Hear YOU!

You lay back while everyone takes your center stage They speak, you listen it’s not always a fair exchange As you approach the stage your thoughts quickly snatch you away Overthinking on what they might say Soul front and center you will hear what She has to say Boundaries firm in place Not too many words to say Just that I deserve a fair exchange

I Got A Bone To Pick With A Skeleton Me

  As I continue on my journey I am going through three main stages. Life, Death, and Creation. Since a child I am programmed to like certain things, be a certain way, do certain things without ever taking a thought of who I truly am. Going through this cycle brings up my egos which are represented by the head necklace on the image of Kali Ma above. She has slayed these egos and has considerably become what I see as the Demons Queen. She isn't a demon and neither am I, I am the Queen of these mfs! We all have our vices which can be considered and what I identify as my demons. These demons can represent many different things but most importantly for me they are a way to self transformation. Once I identify what they are I can create them to serve another purpose in my life. I have a problem with overthinking, overanalyzing, and just overall trying to be perfect knowing that's not possible. I didn't see it as such a problem but this actually hinders me tremendously because doi

Demons Queen

My falls into Hell are few far and in between I just had to go down there and regulate some shit so they feel seen They are not my friends they’re my enemies at any moment I know they’ll try and backstab me They know not what they do so I cant help but love them wholeheartedly  Keep your friends close but your enemies closer thats the message that should be received I say and they do that’s what happens when you become the Queen Now back to my God where I will be still and take heed This won’t be the last you here from me Love, The Queen