Energy Exchanges


I am in energy exchanges everyday. When I focus on something, have a conversation, or when I'm just thinking. Everything is energy from you to the chair you sit on, it holds energy. Speaking on conversations, when you are speaking you are projecting your thoughts and energy onto others. Everybody has their own energy field! I have to be mindful who has access to this. I had to notice when I got around certain people I would feel DRAINED and WEAK, I lacked spiritual awareness. Unknowing to me at the time I am willingly giving my energy away by remaining in a space that is uncomfortable. I would let people post up all on my energy field and I would just pass it off like it was nothing. Naive. Another example is when you enter a room and you feel uneasy or the vibe is off your INNER G(od) is telling you something and most likely you need to get up through! Listen to your intuition or your gut feeling it will never steer you wrong. Someone that I know named Myka aka @soulaaangelll said your spirit be in rooms that you haven't even entered. When you even think about saying my name my spirit be there ready to listen so watch how you use my name because if its not with good intentions my spirit transmutes that shit and that terrible ass energy you put out is coming right back to you! This isn't a myth it's the law. 

Looking back I had to realize why I stopped coming around certain people! People wonder why I'm so quiet because I read y'all from the words you speak to the movements you make it's very telling! I am not judging you I am just watching a character play on they center stage. We see this all the time when someone judges someone else, you're projecting your energy or the preconceived notion about them from your perspective which can either be true or false. Truly knowing something is experiencing it, most people are so opinionated on things and people they've never experienced. This is why I say you don't know me because what you knew about me is in the past if you're not experiencing me on a daily bases how can you truly know me? This is why I cannot judge or make harsh realizations about others or things because I haven't experienced them to make a just judgement. I also had to release the emotions I adopt from others. I so often did this and didn't even realize I was a whole empath. This is what we call "matching someones energy". The term is so commonly used but I didn't understand the bad effects it had on me. For example if someone had a bad day and I had a good day I would lower my energy to their energy to sympathize with them. With this being realized I don't have to tone down my energy for nobody to be compassionate either we're going to shift the focus to the present moment or I'm going to let you figure it out! I got tired of lifting people up when all they do is want to tear down themselves, I know this because I was doing the same thing! People want you to baby sit them and give them sugar coated shit love. I am not doing that no more, once I start taking accountability for my downfalls and flaws I started to move different. If you not trying to receive REAL love then don't come to me for nothing because I'm telling it like it is because I had to do that to myself! 

From these realizations I have to be very mindful on what I place my focus on because that is where my energy (Inner G) is going towards. I don't worry about the worlds problems because it is not me that is going to change it. God got that one LMAO! I have to truly be immersed in what God tells me to do and say because that is MY assignment on Earth. I'm at a point where is God say I can't mess with you then I can't mess with you! NO QUESTIONS ASKED. I have to stand firm in my beliefs and who I am because when I am not doing that I am going against my Inner G and if I'm asking for things why would He give them to me? So many people including myself be screeching to the Heavens for things but what have we done to be rewarded of our wants, I barely had boundaries and I'm asking God to move mountains. Once I started doing the inner work, it reflected on my outer world. Let me say this too, just because you are ignorant of the Law doesn't mean it doesn't apply to you. 

"You can't be Gods OPP in Gods operation"

I love y'all. 


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