
10/14/2022 12:28 AM                                                                                                                            


My name is Paeshyns. I'm really not going to get into all the details regarding who I am because this blog is made for the people that have struggled and are continually struggling with everyday living. What prompted me to make this blog is the fact that I want to speak THE TRUTH through MY TRUTHS. I have struggled with depression, anxiety, mania, and other forms of psychological disorders. I am not here to change anybodies mind nor try to convince you of anything. I will speak on what I've experienced and tips on how to understand you and what you may be going through. 

Furthermore, we as a society are so caught up in a world that makes you put on a mask to try to fit in, which in turn has people quite literally losing their minds. I have tried everything in the book to mask and fit in with the world and earlier this year is when I had a full mental breakdown. The pressures were weighing so heavily on my mind one day I just cracked but it prompted me to start healing. Not with pills or therapy but taking the leap of faith by going inside myself and breaking every chain placed on me and by me that locked away my Soul, the real me. I have tried therapy, antidepressants, and anxiety medication all to no avail. I am here for the ones that are at the top of the bridge ready to jump off. I know what that feels like but there is a way out. 

This blog is a collection of poems, writings, and realizations that only in the past couple of months have made sense to me alone. I am still on the journey to reach my full potential but this is a start to my life long journey and why not do what I love and share it with likeminded individuals and people that want to heal. I am not politically correct, I am not someone that cares if I misspelled certain things nor do I desire others to tell me how to run my shit. I am going to be brutally honest and if you cannot take that please don't continue. I am here for the people that are open minded and willing to take on new perspectives. 

Also, let me get this out the way now I understand some of you may have knew me but you don't know me now like at ALL. I am a completely different person than who I was and I will not tolerate any kind of past recollections of what I presented to you at the time. Don't focus on me, focus on what I am trying to convey. In addition, to family that may read this you can tell my mother, father, cousins, aunties, uncles anybody but truly I really don't care and if you feel some type of way while reading this get off NOW. My real family knows my heart and what I stand for and I thank them a million times over. I am going to cuss on here, I might even hurt a couple feelings, I might even state some past experiences I had with a few of y'all but don't take it personal. I am not a little girl anymore so please don't treat me as such. 

I am open to all comments, concerns, and or questions for clarification on the things that I may write or say. What I am not here for is to argue or debate these are MY personal experiences and if it doesn't resonate just click off :). I hope you enjoy what I have to say.

I love y'all!


  1. Anonymous19:12

    I see you, I feel you, I appreciate you- Tawny

  2. Anonymous13:14

    I’m so proud of you. You’ve been talking about blogs & poems for quite some time. Continue to walk in your purpose - wishing you all the best ~ Mommy

  3. Anonymous08:40

    Well said 🥰 I'll be checking you out

    1. Anonymous09:49

      Thank you!! ❤️❤️

  4. Anonymous09:41

    Dear Paeshyns I know your Mom very well and we are like Sisters
    I myself know how it feels to struggle with different emotions and feelings so I wrote my first book which was a healing ❤️‍🩹 process! Now I’m writing my second without hesitation or what anyone thinks about it!! I’m going to support you in any way that I can and don’t ever stop your journey because it’s yours and you are the only one who can make yourself truly happy!!
    With Love ❤️ Auntie Delores

    1. Anonymous09:48

      🥹Thank you so much for reading. I’m happy it resonated and I look forward to reading your new book! LOVE❤️❤️

  5. Anonymous13:05

    I enjoy your perspective. It's refreshing

  6. Anonymous07:50

    Identifying you’re own growth speaks volumes and shows your well in tuned with yourself. Self love is the best love and no one can ever tell you about you….love your big cousin ~ peaches💜

    1. Anonymous14:18

      I LOVE THIS COMMENT! Thank you soull much🥰❤️

  7. Anonymous03:13

    Gurl you betta!!

  8. Anonymous19:37

    Your so inspiring man I be scared to talk about the pain out loud 🥺. I love your purpose and what your trying to do ❤️and here if you need to talk bc I be needing to too ~sammdadoll


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