Taking My Crown Back

Your eyes are operated by a lobe in your brain. So if this is proven fact what I believe to be true is what I will see. So my reality is a byproduct of my thoughts and beliefs. When I stopped believing in duality that's when I learned all my depression and anxiety was a choice. I believed in these aspects of myself with all my heart and the God in me loved me so much She let me torment myself. Yes, the bad in your life is because God loves you so much. It's a hard pill to swallow indeed. God has never been human, She is unconditional love. Unconditional love transcends duality it gives what the heart desires and what the mind believes when they become one. 

When I finally wanted healing all I wanted was a peace of mind. A change of mentality. Learning that the past, present, and future were all happening at once I needed to release the things from my past that were DEPRESSING me. I finally let go and let God. It is written that there will be heaven on earth and also said seek and ye shall find. So of course I didn't see the beauty of the world and how it speaks to me in different ways because I was too focused on the "bad" that surrounded me. The judgement day you are waiting to die for is in the NOW. When I had my mental breakdown I had to realize the sins of my words and the sins of blaming everybody else for my problems and mishaps. This is why God gave us the present as a gift! So I started choosing to focus on how I felt moment to moment. My life at the time wasn't what I wanted to be but I started training the beast inside me, reprogramming of the mine to put it in nicer terms. Even though I didn't know how I just knew things would get better because GOD gives you what you asks for through your spoken word, thoughts, and beliefs!

When writing for a new reality I had to start unlearning and reprogramming my psyche. I was thinking too much into my future that I didn't see the blessings that God gave me that was right in front of me which is life in and of itself and I identified with my past traumas that I made it my entire being. When I reprogrammed the psyche by affirmations after doing the necessary shadow work so my mind could stop identifying with my past and future, it opened up a channel to embrace positive psychology. I learned to embrace the present moment, the affirmations were now in my psyche I could now sit back and let God work Her magic while I enjoyed myself and doing things I loved. During my everyday living I see synchronicities that's when I paid more attention to how Mother Earth and God paved a way for me to thrive. I started seeing results. For example, before I moved from my hometown I looked at jobs I wanted and I found one that aligned with me but I didn't apply. I wrote in my journal the exact job I wanted and made it true with assuming it was mine already. I moved and started applying and when I applied for that job I got an interview and I was hired. It took time but your eyes have to catch up with your beliefs. You have to get there mentally before you can physically.

When doing this I also had to remember money is the root of all evil. Before manifesting material things I asked for a change in mentality to break free from my trauma and to know myself. I needed to do this because the material things may come but I could easily fall into the trap of my depressive, anxiety filled states and mess up the life I dream of. With this in mind I never have to chase money because money chases me. I don't worship this false idol it is a tool to make my life comfortable. Dwelling in Heaven which is my heart and mind as one and loving myself was all I wanted and everything else followed.

 Everything had to happen the way it did so I could realize that the future isn't promised and the past is to be forgotten it is only in the NOW I know anything. 

I love y'all!


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