Niggas Scared Of They Demons I Make Friends With Mine


The only prison there is the one of the mind. Our soul is the prisoner. The ego had such a strong hold on me I could never truly see my true self. When I succumbed to the ego and the egos of others I was losing a game that is meant to be won because through my actions are the only ones I can dictate. I told you niggas the game is meant to be played, stop being a player. Letting worldly things such as people, places, and things get to you, it will have you tricked out your energy (Inner G). ( I will go in depth about energy and the Inner G in my next poem and writing). See a lot of people lack self control but how can we lack self control when we are supposedly the ones controlling our selves? When you lack self control you let the ego get to you and you snap. My bestfriend gave a great analogy and said when someone kills someone and they get arrested and they begin to say "I don't know what came over me, I couldn't have done that." This is actually true, the "I" is your ego and when you let it get out of control things like that will happen and it will take over your whole being. When they are confronted their soul comes to the forefront and it is in a state of shock because how could I (the ego) do that? You have to be aware of the conscious split you have in you. Your ego at the state it's in now doesn't care about your soul I told you, you have to train it and bring your egos to light through shadow work NIGGAS!! I have come to a point where I can regulate my shit  I have to ask myself is this worth my soul hurting? Is it worth it to let the ego have control over me? Is it worth putting my soul back in prison for a yelling match in the McDonalds drive thru? Shit sometimes it is I am far from a perfect person lol. This is where unconditional love for the self comes in.

We're always talking about love but do you really know what it is? We can say we love ourself all day but without equating it to conditions and humanity what is love? True unconditional love? Unconditional love to me is the unbiased acceptance and appreciation of something. For me I had to understand this to let my heart be free from the burdens of conditions I placed on it. Meaning I had to love myself when I let my ego get out of control, I had to love myself through my highs and lows. I also had to give this type of love to others. Everyone isn't equipped for unconditional love because it will have you looking foolish this is the price you have to pay when you wanna say you are God and truly mean it. I pick niggas up while they let me down. Sounds familiar doesn't it? God said the only ones that will enter Heaven have to have a heart light as a feather. Basically meaning you can't come into my shit with that dirty ass heavy locked away heart. See what makes me mad about you niggas is the fact that you will boast about having a cold heart. You will boast about what others have done to you but won't take accountability for what you did to yourself. The God in you doesn't care about what others have done to you it cares about what you did to liberate yourself from the situation.  

YOU HAVE A CHOICE! I don't get mad at others for letting me down because I see myself in them. You aren't hurting me, you are hurting your soul and that is the worst kind of pain to walk around with. I can see it in you niggas now this is why I have grace. I give a lot of people grace because I understand that their soul is trapped behind the mask they put on for the world. We don't give ourselves grace and what we cannot give to ourself we surely can't give to other people. What you do to others is a reflection of what you do to yourself. "What comes around goes around." Our standards are so high for others but so low for ourselves. Why is that? You lack unconditional love. We turn ourselves away from God almost everyday and it waits because you have to transform your darkness (ego) to light because I told y'all God only sees the light you reflect so it can break free from the minds prison.

So I tell you surrender your old self, detach from the things you know aren't you, and break the idea of hurt people hurt people (karma) and your soul will glisten nigga is you listening?

I love y'all!


  1. Anonymous20:39


  2. Anonymous02:57

    cmon with it sissy, i love u❤️


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