
Showing posts from 2023

Spiritual Warfare: 3/3=1

 We are in Hell. Down here you will experience and go through trauma. It's a purification that is taking place down here. You descend and go through your lowest of lows to reach your highest of highs. Spiritual warfare keeps coming up for me and one thing people don't realize is the Truth is always in plain sight. The unseen can be seen once you are ready to see. My experience with my own trauma helped me understand my own internal battle. My abandonment issues with my dad, emotionally unavailable mom, broken home issues, "anxiety", "depression" all those things are spiritual battles. As kids we are the closest things to God. Being limited in understanding your parents are supposed to protect you but if they are not spiritually aware trauma seeps in and its like a plague. It always starts with the generations before and trickles down. Generational curses. Nothing is a coincidence. So I had to understand that even my trauma was ordained and that's where p

Dying To Live

Nailing her to the cross was just a start  I am cutting her wounds deep, it’s going to leave a mark She is sacrificing herself so I can use the pieces to make an arc She is my arc so we won’t be apart I’m just tired of being the light encased within the dark

People Pleasing Blues

"Blue Monday" - Annie Lee You will never be enough for someone that has no self love, self awareness or will power. People pleasing has been a huge problem for me. You are consciously entering into a contract that has no end unless you put a stop to it. In my poem "Egotistical Love" I address the matters of the contract. Not only does this apply to romantic relationships it applies to platonic as well. People not only want you to live their life for them but they also want you to carry their crosses and save them. I had to come to an understanding of why everyone kept coming to me for all the things. Nobody wants to do the work no matter what that work may be. Everyone wants an easy way out and everyone wants to skip steps using my name. I will not go through your Hell and carry you while my feet get burned. Nobody came to save me while I was in my Hell you know why? Because I never wanted to drag anybody down there with me. Most people are just getting to know the

Egotistical Love

Play this game for me Change for me Energy exchange for me Wash away the pain for me Love is a gamble You got more heart to spend? I need more x10 Dont worry you might be able to mend it yourself in the end You must not have read the fine print my friend

Here To Serve, Not Save

All my life yall had me thinking I was a demon Ms. Attitude but never pinpointed the reason Thawed out my heart now my Soul beaming Can’t you see it? Everytime I write this shit come to life This is my Soul cleaning 2023 is the year of completion full of lessons, blessings, or deletion I know you can’t see it but my God said be still, I’m up next in line to redeem it The first shall be last and the last shall be first I’m just writing to be obedient

The Truth... Hurts.

Art by: @GroovyChi  January 5, 2023 As I sit here trying to figure out how to break this in, the repetition of the saying "sailing my soul" keeps coming to mind. What does this truly mean to me? I haven't explored this topic in depth but I feel the saying. So for me it's all about the journey the ups, downs, forward, and backward motions. The good, the bad, and everything in between. Usually I have been so adamant on trying to control the journey to not mess up but it is truly in the mess where you find the thing that takes you out of it. For me I rather not be in control, I rather not stress about tomorrow or my life in general because like I said in my poem the story is already written. If you take the ego out of it God wins. Which means I win. There is a quote from a video I seen that said, "crashing simply means you did indeed managed to soar". We so often have a tendency to recognize and validate our failures, our moments of crashing or hitting rock bot

All is Vanity

Coming to terms with the fact nothing seems real anymore Consciousness is just observing, I’m not really in control like I thought before Be like water and let things flow is something I’m learning to endure After all I’m just sailing right to Deaths door Why be in control when the story is already written? Paeshyns never existed, I’m just experiencing a possibility of a life sentence Trapped in a dream, I’ll wake up when it’s finished