People Pleasing Blues

"Blue Monday" - Annie Lee

You will never be enough for someone that has no self love, self awareness or will power. People pleasing has been a huge problem for me. You are consciously entering into a contract that has no end unless you put a stop to it. In my poem "Egotistical Love" I address the matters of the contract. Not only does this apply to romantic relationships it applies to platonic as well. People not only want you to live their life for them but they also want you to carry their crosses and save them. I had to come to an understanding of why everyone kept coming to me for all the things. Nobody wants to do the work no matter what that work may be. Everyone wants an easy way out and everyone wants to skip steps using my name. I will not go through your Hell and carry you while my feet get burned. Nobody came to save me while I was in my Hell you know why? Because I never wanted to drag anybody down there with me. Most people are just getting to know the gravity of things I went through and battled in the last couple years. I relied heavy on God because if I couldn't save me nobody else around me could so I had to go to the person that created me. GOD HIMSELF.

Being a people pleaser gave access for people to use and steal my energy and time. Yes its that serious. You are giving up most of the energy and time you could've been giving yourself to other people that want to use you to take the easy way out. At the end of my poem I shared the part that nobody really talks about. Reciprocity. People pleasing left me drained because I gave so much out and received so little. Once you put a stop to it and start saying no you become the villain in everyones story. "She acting like she too good" , "She changed". Nah baby when I was good for you I wasn't enough! I hear what you really saying behind them words so before trying me go to God first because He my manager ◡̈. 

Matthew 5:10-12
"Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in Heaven, for so they persecute the prophets who were before you."

I love y'all but I love God more <3


  1. Anonymous17:55


  2. Anonymous20:49

    🫢🏾❤️‍πŸ”₯ da rawest!!!


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