Spiritual Warfare: 3/3=1

 We are in Hell. Down here you will experience and go through trauma. It's a purification that is taking place down here. You descend and go through your lowest of lows to reach your highest of highs. Spiritual warfare keeps coming up for me and one thing people don't realize is the Truth is always in plain sight. The unseen can be seen once you are ready to see. My experience with my own trauma helped me understand my own internal battle. My abandonment issues with my dad, emotionally unavailable mom, broken home issues, "anxiety", "depression" all those things are spiritual battles. As kids we are the closest things to God. Being limited in understanding your parents are supposed to protect you but if they are not spiritually aware trauma seeps in and its like a plague. It always starts with the generations before and trickles down. Generational curses.

Nothing is a coincidence. So I had to understand that even my trauma was ordained and that's where people get lost with God. A point in time in my life I turned my back on God. I judged God because why me? I didn't take accountability. We all go through it. The thing I came to see was all of my downfalls, anxiety, and depression was a CHOICE. Accountability y'all. You have to get that understanding of why from God. I am not here to tell you your story only mine. (The only reason I use terms like we, you, etc is because I am trying to convey a message, to get you engaged but ultimately you HAVE to go to God for the Truth. I am speaking my Truth only on this platform.)

Spiritual warfare starts young with the things we see, hear, and environments we are in. For example, if the music and stuff I hear at a young age talks about violence and if I see violence. If I see, hear, and experience TRAUMA PERIOD. Why would I not become a product of my environment? You have to face your trauma head on and let God work and give you the answers of why you are the way you are.

You're never going to fully heal you become aware. Once you become aware you become disciplined you can spiritually see. Once I saw the demons I let use me, control, and manipulate me I was disgusted with myself. Once you see the demons you have you can see them through others. As I'm going through my experience I can see when God is speaking through people, places, and things and when the Devil uses people, places, and things to tempt me. That's why I wrote about making friends with my demons. I keep my enemies close because they show you your weakness.

I'm spirit before anything. Paeshyns is the ego. She is my fortress. She protects me. My body holds God. I wrote a poem about nailing myself to the cross, cutting my wounds, and using my old self to make an arc. I'm not ashamed of what I went through, my vulnerability is my super power. I embrace my shadow and my demons fully because all in all they are just a polarity of what angels are. I told you I can be with the angels in heaven or with the demons in the dark. Ultimately the same thing just alchemizing my darkness to light not because it's better but so that I am aware and it doesn't have unconscious control over me.

You have to be able to recognize a battle. What you choose to listen to, what you choose to pay attention to, the people you choose to be around, the environments you place yourself in. You see how all of those are choices? What you frequently see is your frequency. Where energy flows, it grows. What are you giving your energy to? For example, even in regular conversation you can tell somebody something you got going on or about yourself in general and they start doubting you, questioning you, interrogating you, making you question yourself. That's a battle and you just lost if you don't speak up for yourself. The Devil uses people, places, and things to try and knock you off your square, stand firm. Don't get it twisted I still watch, listen, and fuck with all types of shit but I know how to separate myself from it, know when to turn it off, and not make it my identity. I am able to balance my humanity and my spirituality. Not letting one or the other get out of hand but a oneness across the board. 

When you are Chosen you gotta go through it to grow through it. Stop complaining and get in the field. Stop worrying about that nigga and focus on what God told you to do. Stop chasing a relationship and let God take care of you. Stop worrying. Stop making your trauma your identity. Stop being a victim and be a victor. Stop worrying about celebrities, drama, and what everybody else got going on and focus on Self. Stop thinking everybody against you because you turned your back on yourself. Let go and let God.

The war is on your mind. Change your mind, change your reality. MAKE THE CHOICE.

I love y'all !


  1. Anonymous11:34


  2. Anonymous14:57

    A beautiful sermon pastor

  3. Anonymous10:42

    Your words so soulfilled <3


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